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India Plans to Boost Pharma Export to African Countries

2011/11/8 15:46:07


India's Ministry of Commerce and Industry has called for suggestions from all the Indian pharma companies to boost the African markets. The opinions will be analyzed and incorporated into the new draft "Trade and Investment strategy Paper". This draft is exclusively designed to boost export trade and improve investments into the African countries.

In its communication, the ministry of commerce has sent a directive to pharmaceuticals export council in India, to urge the member pharma companies to give in important ideas regarding various issues relating to exports such as customs issues, copy write issues and patent rights issues that are exclusively associated in case of most of the African countries.

Over the past few years, the Indian companies have focused their concentration on 6 African countries including South Africa, Egypt, Kenya, Algeria, Nigeria and Angola. As most of these countries are not fully complying with the International trade laws, it is becoming a big challenge for the Indian pharma companies to do fair and free business with them. 

A structured questionnaire has already been prepared and sent to the council to record the valuable inputs or suggestions from the member pharma companies. The view points put forth by the member players will definitely help the Indian government to identify country specific trade barriers experienced while exporting to Africa region and help improve exports trade. 

The member players are to submit the filled in questionnaire to the council by November 9, 2011, the inputs will be further consolidated by the council and sent to the ministry to incorporate in the final draft.

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